Sunday, November 15, 2015

Term 2 Gospel#1 Section E (November 15, Gospel Reading)

Instructions: Do The SEE,JUDGE, ACT Format.  Meaning:Summarize, Reflect And Come Up With Your Action Plans In View Of The Challenges Of This Gospel Reading.  Write Your Gospel Output In The Comment Page With Your Full Name And Section    

GospelMK 13:24-32

Jesus said to his disciples:
"In those days after that tribulation
the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light,
and the stars will be falling from the sky,
and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.

"And then they will see 'the Son of Man coming in the clouds'
with great power and glory,
and then he will send out the angels
and gather his elect from the four winds,
from the end of the earth to the end of the sky.

"Learn a lesson from the fig tree.
When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves,
you know that summer is near.
In the same way, when you see these things happening,
know that he is near, at the gates. 
Amen, I say to you,
this generation will not pass away
until all these things have taken place. 
Heaven and earth will pass away,
but my words will not pass away.

"But of that day or hour, no one knows,
neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."


  1. Caroline Sahagun JE
    Gospel Relfection 1

    This gospel from the book of Mark tells us about the second coming of Christ and how we should always be ready. We do not know when Christ will return, neither fortune tellers nor prophets know when He will come. All we know know is that HE WILL RETURN and on that is where we should plant our faith.

    This gospel holds one of my favorite verses:

    "Amen, I say to you,
    this generation will not pass away
    until all these things have taken place.
    Heaven and earth will pass away,
    but my words will not pass away."

    This verse reminds me that God will keep his promise. Heaven and earth may pass away but his promise wont. God never backs out on a promise, even the little ones like how He will never abandon any of us especially in a time of need either in school or at home

  2. Lance G. Estopen JE 16

    The gospel tells us that we should always be ready for when Christ returns to this earth. It implies that everyday we should always be doing good to others we will never know when He will return. When He returns this is the judgement day and this is where He will decide if we did good or bad on this earth which is why we should all be doing small acts of kindness to have a reservation for that eternal joy in heaven.

    The challenge the gospel gives us is that we should always be ready for His coming by being ready this means that we have done our part in the world and have done good. This being ready is a challenge we face because as all humans we are sinners, we have the capability to be "ready" but we chose not to and that's the problem we must solve

  3. Shanen Bautista JE Cn4

    This gospel talks about the Second Coming of Christ and how he will come with great power and glory, With this, comes our judgement day. No one knows when the Son of Man will come exactly but the father himself alone. With that in mind, we should prepare for what we know is to come. We should plant good deeds in our hearts and in the hearts of other people for when that day arrives, we are to be welcomed with arms to the Kingdom of Our Father. God has given us the freewill to act on this earth but with that freewill, we must always remember our mission her on Earth which is to do all the we do in the greater glory of His name.

  4. Maxinne De Guzman JE CN11

    The gospel tells us about the second coming of Christ and how we must ready for the second coming for His return will hold great power and glory. It says that we must always be aware and prepared for His second coming. With this, we are reminded that we must stray away from sin and keep our faith strong since Christ may return at any moment, and only he knows when.

    These verses should remind us that Christ will return and we will bask in his great power and glory when he does. And while we wait, we must make sure that our faith will remain intact and strong for God's promise will stand.

    "Heaven and earth will pass away,
    but my words will not pass away."

  5. Rosina Jose JE CN21

    The gospel talks of Christ's Second Coming, as well as how it will affect all the earth and its inhabitants. The gospel according to Mark tells us that we must always be prepared for when Jesus comes again. We wouldn't know when that day may be, but we must be ready; we must not only prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally, but also spiritually. This gospel is a reminder to all of us that we must not only learn the Scriptures and commandments, but that we must also live them out. This passage is one which must inspire all of us to continue doing good, not simply because we'd want to attain eternal happiness, but because we would want to be with our Father forever.

  6. Sofia L. Lamberte J-E CN: 23

    In summary, the gospel's focal message is about the day when Christ comes again to save us all from our sins and vices, and so while we await for his coming we are told to do good and avoid evil. The first few lines in the beginning of the passage tell of a world where soon everything crumbles and that the sky will soon fall, resulting to a world that is reaching its apparent end. Jesus tells his disciples that in the midst of all this, he says that the Son of Man will emerge and will deliver all from evil, signifying a saving presence. In the end, it is only the Father Himself who determines our ultimate end.

    From the gospel, I understand that Jesus wishes to teach us to become good stewards of God’ creation and to also become a holistic member of the Church so that when the day of Judgment comes for us all, we are easily given the access to God’s kingdom for we have done good in His name.

    God has created us to subdue, multiply and to oversee the progress of his beautiful work. As we are soon faced with temptations and vices that may turn us away from God, we learn to understand that if we wish to continue being by His side and in order for us to reach eternal life we simply avoid all that is evil and advocate what we know is right in God’s eyes. From the gospel, our faith is further strengthened as we hear the fuel from Jesus’ words:

    “In the same way, when you see these things happening, know that He is near, at the gates. Amen I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

    Even if everything were to be gone on the face of earth or even in the face of existence, we are told to believe, and that we are all implored with the belief that God will be on our side all our days.

  7. Isis Cancio JE

    The summary of this gospel in my understanding is that it tells of the second coming of Christ, when he will come again and Judgement day will begin. It tells of the signs that will show that He is coming, and no one will really know, not even Jesus Crist, no one except for God.

    I feel like this verse is telling us that God will keep his promise, that he will never let us down. Even when storms rise, the stars fall, and the Earth shakes God will be there for us even through the end. I guess it also reminds us to never lose Faith and to be ready, so that when he comes we can open ourselves up to him and accept him wholeheartedly. So admittedly, this gospel shows that we must stay true and have Faith and complete trust in God, for when the saviour comes again.

  8. This Gospel mainly focuses on the second coming of Christ and how we must prepare for the judgement day. He tells us that there will be a time of darkness, yet we shouldn't falter from our faith; instead we should continue to live on, living up to God's name. When times our rough and you feel like falling down, do not give up; the lord is with you. For all we know God is everywhere, watching us everyday, every time, anywhere. And when he finally arrives, we should accept his blessing wholeheartedly and with care. This gospel taught me the importance of God, Jesus and everyone around us. That we should cherish our moment with them and the same time be faithful.

  9. Louise Ngo JE
    This gospel is all about the time that Jesus Christ will return on the judgement day. This event could come anytime and no one but our Father will know when, so we must always be prepared and start living out the teachings of Jesus. We must always show kindness and goodness in our hearts; we must resist these temptations that will only interfere with the mission that Christ gave us, and that is to always live up to God's word because he knows what is good for us. We should never allow these evil thoughts to enter our mind; instead we should have a strong faith in God because this is the only way to enter the gates of Heaven.

  10. Alyssa Abad JE CN: 1

    The main message of the gospel is that we should be prepared for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to the gospel, people will experience hardships and trials as the day of Jesus's second coming draws near. The gospel tells us that no one knows when that day is therefore we must always be prepared. After reading this gospel, it makes me realize that I should repent from sins and strengthen my faith. Since we do not know when Christ returns, we must challenge ourselves to do good and live as Jesus did. We must repent from our sins and put all our trust in God so that we will be prepared on the Day of Judgement.

  11. Joshua Nicolas JE CN:30

    This gospel is about the coming of Christ on judgment day. It tells us that we must be prepared for it by following His teachings, because no one but the Lord knows when it will actually arrive. In order for us to be ready for the day of His return, we must follow everything He has laid before us, even if it is difficult. The gospel tells us of a time when there will be trials and tribulations set before us, but if we follow and live His word religiously as soon as possible, we will have no trouble entering Heaven.

  12. This Gospel talks about the second coming of Christ on judgement day. No one knows exactly when he will come back, only his God knows. That is why we should always be prepared for what is yet to come. This is a reminder that we must stray away from temptations and sin. This gospel reminds us that Jesus will come back with great power and glory. While we wait, we must make sure that our relationship and faith with God is strong.

  13. Emilio Artadi JE CN: 2

    The Gospel above talks about the inevitable return of Christ. Jesus's words here act as a wake up call for those who sloth around with his or her relationship with God. This reminds us to act according to God's will and stay on the right path, so that when the day of reckoning finally arrives, we will be assured salvation over damnation. We must keep alert and have our guard up at all times for only God knows when He will return. Remember to walk under His guiding light and to avoid hiding in the shadows so we may not be lost and find our way to Him.

  14. The gospel above tells us about the return of Christ. His words are telling us to be a better person andto be ready at all times. We must be ready at all times by doing good deeds to others and by not expecting anything in return. This serves as a reminder for us to be ready at all times. We must be aware of the things that can happen so that we will be guided by God and know the way to his kingdom.

  15. The gospel is a reminder of the truth that our salvation is coming in the form of Jesus Christ's second coming where we will all be judged. We should take this as a message telling us to prepare for his coming and better ourselves so we may be worthy of salvation.

  16. This gospel tells us that we should prepare for our judgement day and the second coming of christ and that we should never give up on him and just have faith even through dark times because the lord is with us even when things get rough. God watches over us and protects us always as long as we have faith in him. It taught me about the importance of jesus and how much he loves us. We should never lose faith and trust in him because he will be the one who saves us all in the end.

  17. Fructuoso JE cn17

    According to this gospel, there will be a second coming of Jesus that no one knows when will happen. This is why we should always be prepared, we must prepare ourselves for Christs second coming by always doing good because Jesus will bring the good with Him to heaven. We must do good and cast away all of the evil to be let into everlasting freedom. We must not just do the good to ourselves, but spread the goodness to others and being a great influence and follower of Christ.

  18. Michael Lirio JE
    This gospel is talking about the second coming of Christ and how we should always be ready because no one knows when it’ll come. It can come tomorrow or later, whenever. Only the Father knows when the second coming will be. We should always do good because when the Lord and his angels come, he will bring us to heaven to be one with God. But doing good isn’t enough, we should also spread the good word to others.

  19. Kirsten Banal JE

    This gospel talks about the second coming of Christ. God has a plan enstored for us so no one will be aware when it happens. We should always be prepared and we have to think of our actions as something that Jesus would approve of. We must take away all of the anger and evil within us so that we can obtain everlasting freedom. We should spread the good news as well to our fellow peers.

  20. The gospel tells us about the second coming of Christ and that we should be prepared for it to happen at any time since we do not know when it's going to happen so we must live as good followers of God. Jesus also tells us that we will be experiencing terrible times during the days leading up to his second coming, but everything will be okay because after all those events there will be a new beginning.

  21. This gospel talks about the second coming of Christ, even if the world may seem like it's ending. We will be able to enter Heaven once Christ returns. This gospel is trying to each us that even bad things happens in life, but afterwards, things will get better and we will be able to enjoy life better. I will remember that during any hardships that I may experience, I know that God is always there, and will always be there at the end of it, inspiring me to go forward.

  22. Bea Ilagan JE

    This gospel is discussing the second coming of Christ and how we ought to dependably be prepared due to the fact that nobody knows when it'll come. It can come anytime and anywhere, but only God alone knows when the second coming will be. We ought to dependably do great in light of the fact that when the Lord and his blessed messengers come, he will convey us to paradise to be unified with God. We should also do our part in it and still do good unto other no matter what circumstance.

  23. Micaela Gabrielle B. Tempongko

    This gospel is about the time that Jesus Christ will return on the judgment day. This occasion could come at whatever time or day, only our Father will know when, so we should dependably be arranged and begin experienced the teachings of Jesus. We should dependably indicate benevolence and goodness in our souls; we must oppose these enticements that will just meddle with the mission that Christ gave us, and that is to constantly experience God's assertion in light of the fact that he realizes what is beneficial for us. We ought to never permit these detestable contemplations to enter our brain; rather we ought to have a solid confidence in God on the grounds that this is the best way to enter the doors of Heaven.

  24. The gospel tells us about Christ's second coming and that we should be prepared for Him to come at any time since we don't know when it's going to happen so we should live as good people. Jesus also tells us that terrible things are going to happen during the days leading up to his second coming, but everything will be okay because after all the hard times, there is gonna be a new beginning and there will be no more hard times.

  25. De Luzuriaga JE

    This gospel talks about Christ and his second coming on the judgment day. It tells us to be Christ like, because we won't know when the second coming of Christ. We should always be prepared and do good for Him. God knows best and he is the only one who knows when the second coming of Christ is. Us doing good shows that we hold on to our faith that He will return. That is why we should do good and always be prepared for the second coming of Christ

  26. The gospel talks about Jesus Christ's second coming which we should always be ready for because we would never know when it could happen. It can come when we expect or possibly when we least expect it that's why we should always be prepared for it. We should continue to try to be the best we can be.

  27. Aja Ellett 15 JE

    SEE - This gospel talks about the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and how we must prepare ourselves for Him for He will save is from all of our sins once again. It also discusses how it will affect the rest of the earth and its inhabitants. It is only Him who will judge the end.

    JUDGE - I think that we should get ready and prepare ourselves for the second coming of Christ. It is important because He is our Lord's son and He is going to go here to protect us. It seems scary, but with Him, fear is nothing.

    ACT - To me, if you can prepare yourself for other people, you must do the same to Christ - with the form of prayer and repentance. Not just by prayer and repentance, but by caring and treating yourself & your neighbor right.
