Thursday, December 17, 2015


Frances Roxas JH 

The Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation was hosted in the Philippines. This gives the Philippines more exposure from different countries and they would be able to learn our culture. Since the presidents from other countries went to the Philippines and they said words that would actually make a difference in the world of our country. Every opinion or comments from the different presidents are actually very important because those suggestions may be a way to solve some problems in our country. Poverty, this issue may have been long overdue because no matter how they try to fix this problem, it's seems that it only gets worse. We know that there are a lot of less fortunate people in our country, so why not do something about it? Instead of stating all the proposed ideas or plans, the government should find a way to actually make all these proposals happen. As a Lasallian, I propose that all students should help one another to make a charity for the less fortunate and on APEC CHALLENGES, VIS-A-VIS; FREEDOM AND CONSCIENCE (Term 2)

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