Maggie Mariano JG
1. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC) aims to support sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the
Asia-Pacific region. To this day, there are 21 members in its
organization—economies who engage with one another’s economic entities and
issues. This organization aims to the further development of our economy and to
all the economies in the Asia-Pacific region; this means creating a better
living and working environment for all its citizens, allowing accessibility of
resources to all social classes [social mobility], and paving a better future
for generations to come. This is how the APEC contributes to the important
aspects of our lives as they look at our economies as one. 2. As a Lasallian,
the core values are heavily stressed in order to shape us into the kind of
citizen we are in the country. Certain values such as concerned for the
margnialized, competent, and confident, to name a few: many of the issues
addressed in the recent APEC were on APEC CHALLENGES, VIS-A-VIS; FREEDOM AND