Monday, March 14, 2016


3rd Sunday of Lent Sunday GospelLK 13:1-9
Some people told Jesus about the Galileans
whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices.
Jesus said to them in reply, 
“Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way 
they were greater sinners than all other Galileans?
By no means!
But I tell you, if you do not repent,
you will all perish as they did!
Or those eighteen people who were killed 
when the tower at Siloam fell on them—
do you think they were more guilty 
than everyone else who lived in Jerusalem?
By no means!
But I tell you, if you do not repent,
you will all perish as they did!”
And he told them this parable: 
“There once was a person who had a fig tree planted in his orchard, 
and when he came in search of fruit on it but found none,
he said to the gardener,
‘For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree 
but have found none.
So cut it down.
Why should it exhaust the soil?’
He said to him in reply,
‘Sir, leave it for this year also, 
and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; 
it may bear fruit in the future.
If not you can cut it down.’”


N.B.  Lack of full name and without section minus 5.
Deadline March 20, SUNDAY 12midnight....late Gospels=ZERO


  1. Kisho Gutierrez JG

    1. In a sense, a challenge present in this gospel and relevent to the present, would be how a modern day person's potential is "shot down" by others, simply because they fail to produce any good results (or much like the fig tree in the gospel, no results at all), not really giving them a chance to really show what they can do.

    2. Out of all the revalida topics, I think the communiistic view of man can apply to this gospel, as the communisitic view of man states that as long as you are helpful to society, you can stay.
    Otherwise, you are a burden and must be removed. (Much like the fig tree.)

    3. In a way, you could say that the fig tree could represent the human person trying to avoid the obstacles of sexuality (represented by the man searching for fruit), prefering to bear fruit when the time is right. (During marriage.)
    So basically, be like the fig tree and wait for the right time to bear fruit, and avoid anything that may cause fruit to sprout way too early.

  2. Max Santos-Ocampo JG
    1. A challenge in this gospel is related to one's "potential". Some people are never given the chance to show their worth to people, simply because of one screw up at one point in their life.

    2. The communistic view of man applies, as it states that a man has his or her own worth to his or her country, and if you are deemed useless, you can be removed.

    3. The fig tree can represent the human person trying to abstain from sex untl the time is right (marriage), which can promote chastity.

  3. Pamela Siapno JG

    A challenge based on this Gospel can be the problem of sinning against God. Of course we cannot really be pure and chaste as Christ as himself but sometimes we forget to repent our sins so we become unfair to Him. The topic that can be related to this is Atheistic Existentialism, because some people think of themselves only and not the feelings of others. Tendencies are we turn away from God and everything we believe about morality, itself. Moreover, we need to learn how to be chaste about things that we aren't meant to do at this age. We need to become more like Christ by growing with a pure heart and soul.

  4. Chris Cabico JG

    Remember that the best gift we can give to God this Lent is to welcome his mercy, a mercy that makes us ‘God’s work of art’.

    Pope Francis calls the mercy of God the ‘beating heart of the gospel’: if mercy should cease the gospel would no more be alive, as when the heart cease to beat, the body dies.

    The topic included here are the views of man. People may have different religions, but it is important to respect each other's differences.

    This can also be a hindrance to sexuality because other religions don't get to respect the way we do and treat sexuality as something they can do for fun, which of course, is wrong

  5. Mikee Almalvez JG

    A challenge posed by the gospel is amending our faults. We tend to be self-centered and always think about our feelings and not others. We need to feel sorry and be sure to turn our lives around after committing faults. There is still a second chance for everybody. In relation to this, key concepts from the revalida that can be applied here are the communistic, atheistic existentialism, and nihilistic views of man. When you do not bear fruit, you are cut off; by being insensitive and selfish, we start to believe that the world revolves around us and it can really affect the way we live; lastly, there is the belief that life has no point if eventually we will be barren and cut off. Connecting this to human sexuality, this gospel addresses the obstacles by being represented by the fig tree—choosing to remain chaste in order to bear good fruit.

  6. Samantha Shah 33 Junior G

     In this gospel, Jesus talks about how the fall of Israel to God and bad figs are related. Bad figs can be associated with temptation and sin. In this case, if you continue to test God’s patience by continuously doing bad habits and deeds, we may lose our chance to repent and receive eternal happiness.

    I can apply the concept of the philosophical views of man in this gospel. For example, according to the Nihilistic view of man, life has no meaning. Thus, by continuously doing what we want and committing sins, we choose to live freely without the accordance to any commandments or superior beings. On the other hand, in the Christian view of man, we live by the 10 commandments and God as our superior being. In effect, christians do their best to do good and follow Jesus.

    One’s own view on philosophy may directly influence human sexuality. For example, according to the Christian view of man, it is not accepted by the Church to choose any other sexuality asides from heterosexuality. Thus, one would be pressured not to truly be himself/herself.

  7. Lorenzo Torres JG 39

    The gardener did not give up on the fig tree, even though it had not produced any fruit. Sometimes, we are that fig tree. We are given rich soil to grow in, but we do not produce the fruits. Jesus provides us with all these things (and trust me, watering a plant isn't easy) and yet, we aren't producing his fruits. But, he does not give up on us, and neither should we give up on people as well.

    We are the plants, Jesus is our gardener. Jesus gives us soil to grow in (Jesus gives us freedom). Jesus waters us daily, and fertilizes our soil (blesses us with other people). We are given all of these things and we should bear fruit from it. He has given us so much blessings and so much opportunities for us to bear fruit, and we can, with our gift of freedom. It's either we bear fruit or we take it all for granted and not bear fruit at all.

    When we are a fruitful fig tree, we will appear presentable. And that's how Jesus wants us to look. His Holy Spirit resides in our body, and we should treat it as temples.

  8. Bianca Roque JG

    Today’s society would usually want to see one’s true potential. In the Gospel, it shows that if one does his or her best, he or she will be spared, if someone were not to show good qualities or commit sin, they will be cut (like a fig tree). This can relate to the ways that we should be using our freedom. One is never truly free unless they care about others and do good deeds. If someone abuses their freedom for their own wellbeing, they would be sinning against the Lord This relates to human sexuality as we should be not sin against the Lord or we shouldn’t commit any obstacles to chastity such as pre-marital sex. We need to be more humble, generous and do good for others as it can be taken accounted for in the future.

  9. TOQUE JG 38

    In the gospel today, God tells us that even though we sin differently, the gravity of it does not matter — we still sin and the same repentance is needed. No matter how light or how grave our sins were, we need to show the same effort and amount of repentance. In the context of the fig tree, Jesus teaches us the value of patience. Even though the gardener wasnt able to get any fruit, he just waited patiently.

  10. Maggie Mariano JG

    1. In ths gospel, the gardener had kept the fig tree despite its lack of fruits—he chose not to give up on it because he knew that there was hope that the fig tree would produce fruit if tended properly with fertilizer and the like. The challenges that we may relate to in this gospel is how we feel it is so easy to give up, even if we’ve been given the richest soil, the must abundant blessing and so much more. We tend to overlook what God had blessed us with, it’s just about time that we choose not to give up and appreciate what we have, no matter how hopeless and impossible any situation may feel.

    2. This may be related to the topic of freedom. Jesus gave us freedom to enjoy, and this could be symbolized in the form of the rich, fertile soil that He provides us with. Through our conscience, Jesus tends to us—he waters our spirits with the daily gospel and guides us to a life the same way he did.

    3. We must wait. We must wait and remain moral and pure in order for us to be fruitful in the name of the Lord. We must treat ourselves with self-respect, dignity and the love we deserve, not just the temporary pleasures that have been popularly seeked.

  11. Elizabeth Jaehn JG

    A challenge faced today based on the gospel would be committing sin. As humans, we are likely to commit sin through mistakes with purity, chastity, etc. However, we tend to forget that we are capable of repenting for our sins as well. We should make it a point that we repent because God will always forgive us.

    A concept from the revalida can be Atheistic Existentialism for people think only about themselves and not others- they are selfish. This usually results to turning away from God and changing our beliefs.

    In order to learn how to be chaste and pure, we should avoid doing things that shouldn’t be done at our age. We should become more like God by growing up spiritually- with a soul and heart of purity.

  12. People have a lot of doubts. One of those doubts is in the Lord. Some people end up being misguided when it comes to their religion and beliefs. When someone starts doubting, other’s will follow in their ways. That is why some people just need to take the risk and trust in the Lord and everything He does. Patience is also talked about in the gospel. We all have to wait when it’s our turn, we may not get everything we want easily, but when we ask you and give, expect to receive because God works in many wonders.

    A topic mentioned in the gospel is the three dimensions of faith; doctrine, moral, and worship. Doctrine is to believe in the scriptures of Christ, the word of Jesus is what you should spread, the way He did. He preached and changes so many people’s lives, and continues changing lives until now. Moral is to of the good deeds. Live in Jesus’ ways and you shall receive internal grace in heaven with our almighty God. And lastly, Worship is to trust in God. He will guide you and make sense of all the things going on in your life.

    Your human sexuality can be a issue for you. When that happens just remember to seek Him and think about the three dimensions of faith. Am I doing what is said in the scriptures? Does my morality know what’s the right decision in this phase in my life? And when I Worship Him, will it be meaningful despite all I’ve done? God always forgives, as long as you forgive yourself first then repent. Repent on your wrongdoing, then you will receive God’s forgiving grace.

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  14. Sanchez 31 JG

    This gospel can address human sexuality since it is telling us to change our ways. Nowadays, there are more and more people that commit different sins so it is very important for us to change and repent. We can apply Human Sexuality since we are taught that our sexuality is a gift from God and sex is done due to the love of a man and woman for each other and the child is the bearing fruit. We must also remember to respect our bodies since this is the place where the holy spirit resides.

  15. Louie Ann Teves JG 37
    An issue that the gospel faces is that we do not repent our sins and compare our sins with others, thinking that we are better than them. We are all sinners which means we have no right to think that we are better than others. Only God can judge us for what we have done and only He gets to decide who goes with Him to heaven.

    One topic i can relate this gospel to is the three dimensions of faith. The gospel talks about a fig tree not being able to bear fruit, in a way that fig tree would be us and for us to be fruitful Christians we must balance the dimensions of faith. If we fail to balance the three dimensions of faith, we are not good Christians, much like the fig tree who did not bear fruit.

    To relate this gospel to our human sexuality, like the fig tree we must protect our human sexuality. Our sexuality is a gift to us from God and we must not waste that. We can do this by not giving into the temptations and always avoiding the obstacles of the human sexuality.

    1. A challenge from this gospel is that always keep on going. We must learn how to not give up because life has many challenges. We must always believe that we can overcome these challenges. In the gospel, the gardener did not give up on the fig tree. Jesus did not give up on us even though we have a lot of sins and we should also apply this in real life. We should not give up and always love one another.
    2. This gospel can be related to our lesson, views of man. Even though people have different perspectives in life, we must always learn how to respect one another and try to unite as one. This can strengthen our spirit because it shows how we, as humans, can return the favour of God giving us life.
    3. We can relate this gospel to human sexuality because the fig tree can represent our sexuality. It shows that it can bear fruit and we must always learn how to protect it. We must not give up on the challenges (sex and temptations) because if we face this challenges and somehow overcome them, then we would be stronger than ever.

    Ted Matthew O. Pacis, 26 JG
    This Gospel applies to society in general as it tells us all, as in everyone in the world regardless of identity, to repent of our sins and change our ways for the better. From where we were God will save us but if we do not make something of our lives and not do what is right then we cannot be saved. It applies more into the youth by telling us to start early so that we won't have to make much shifts in our lives and to maintain being and living pure as this is they key to salvation from God. This is also seen in the quote "God cannot save you, without you," or pretty much how God will only be able to bring us to salvation if we start it. In this Gospel, Freedom is the most relevant one as it discusses how we must choose to do what is good, more specifically it is Freedom From and Freedom For. To summarize how that topic goes straight to this gospel is basically that we have Freedom From our Sins and Freedom For Repentance and Change. This Gospel addresses the obstacles as it thoroughly discusses that if we are sinners who constantly fall under these obstacles, we must shift the direction and change our ways from this as it is not good for our well being, it tarnishes our morality and it destroys our relationship with God.

  18. Gabi Jacinto Ang
    Junior G

    1. Nowadays, when the youth of today encounter events that they find too difficult to withstand, they give up. God did not give up on his people despite their constant acts of sin. Therefore we must not give up on the people around us and on ourselves.

    2. A topic that can be applied is the religious views of man. All over the world, it is true that not everyone practices the same beliefs. However, they must not be mistreated because of this for God teaches us to love one another as brothers and sisters.

    3. This relates to our human sexuality because several people practice sexual intercourse without the binding law of marriage. The gift of sex means the gift of life, therefore we must wait for the right time to bear fruit.

  19. Mico Cruz JG

    The challenges in the gospel that are present in today’s society are temptation and sin. The bad figs represent these two issues. In the gospel, if one does good, he or she will grow and "cultivate", but if he will commit sin, he will be cut like a fig tree.

    The philosophical views of man are depicted in this gospel. In atheistic existentialism, we have no concern for others, only ourselves. This would eventually lead to us hurting others and committing sin. In the christian view of man, we follow the 10 commandments and believe in God, enabling us to grow like a fig tree.

    The fig tree represents chastity or one’s choice to remain pure in order to bear good fruits.


  20. Gospel 3
    Paolo Cabero J-G

    1. I think that the the challenges of this gospel in today’s society is discovering ones potential because you can’t be good at something in just a day, it will take months or even years to see how far you developed on something. You will also need hard work and effort to be good and discover our maximum potential.

    2. Freedom can be applied here because God gave us the freedom to do whatever we want, it’s our choice to do the right thing or not. We have the freedom to be the good soil or the bad soil, if we choose to be the good soil then we will receive the fruits of our labor.

    3. We should be chaste and pure to be fruitful in life. We must wait for the right time before doing sexual acts because it is morally right. The fig tree is like our sexuality we should protect it and value it and we should avoid temptations.


    1. The challenge seen in the Gospel is that the owner gave up on his tree, without even trying to cultivate and make it grow. In our society now, people give up on things so easily when we can't do it no longer but if we pray to God and ask for help, He will help us and lighten our burdens.

    2. In the knowledge of Revalida topics, I can apply the concept of one of the Christian Anthropologies specifically Nature and Grace. In this concept, it talks about how God will always be there to help us change for the better. Like in the Gospel, if God is there for us to change, we can grow into better people.

    3. This Gospel address obstacles of Human Sexuality in such a way that it explains to us that if we repent and avoid these obstacles, we wouldn't perish. It also gives us an insight werein if we ask guidance from God, we can overcome these obstacles.

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  23. Nathaniel Castaños JG

    1. Young people like me sometimes fail to realize their potential and how much they are missing in life. I can say this because I believe I am experiencing this problem. For years I have barely been doing anything to show that I am exerting effort to succeed in life. I now realize that from this gospel. Through faith and perseverance, one day my actions will bear fruit and bring me success in life.
    2. One topic from the Revalida that I can relate to the gospel is the human views on life. The 2 people in the parable have different views on life. One man does not care about the fruit that may come from the fig tree while the other would like to see the potential of the plant fulfilled.
    3. We were put on earth by God so we can fill the earth and subdue it. We can do this by being pure in heart and being fruitful in our lives. We should be chaste and wait for the right time to bear fruit, just like the fig tree.

  24. Piero Dominguez JG
    1. People now think that the only way to succeed is to work hard. That's wrong because the key to success is to WORK HARD, PRAY HARD and DO GOOD. This not only helps you succeed in life but it also helps your faith get stronger.
    2. One topic from the revalida I can relate to this is freedom because we have the freedom to choose whether to do good or not.


    1. the youth now tend to give up once something goes wrong they dont fight for what they want to achieve, they just get lazy. God will always be there for us so as long as we believe in ourselves, pray to Him and ask for help he will give it to us. If God is for us, who can be against us?

    2. A topic from the revalida that can be related to this gospel would be Atheistic Existentialism for those who think only about themselves and not others, they are selfish. This usually results to turning away from God and changing our beliefs.

    3.We are all children of God therefore we should be patient in order to live a fulfilling and fruitful life. There is a right time, right person and right place thus we should wait for everything to be ready.

  26. Sage Capistrano JG

    1. A challenge here is that a lot of people are punished unjustly, or are punished more than those who truly deserve it. There are kids who have big faults going unpunished. While there are children with little faults but are sat down. Some things are just unfair.

    2. A revalida concept here is that no matter who are you are, or what you have done, you can be saved by repenting. The gift of heaven can be achieved by those who believe, by those who are truly sorry for their sins.

    3. A human sexuality connection can be seen in that those "sinners" or homosexuals can still be saved as long as they repent, as long as they are sorry for their sins. Although, in my opinion the homosexuals should not apologize for their preferences.

  27. Piolo Abarentos JG
    1. People these days tend to give up and lose faith but that is wrong as we should stay strong and have faith in ourselves and God so that we may truly be successful and for us to truly attain happiness.
    2. Freedom can be applied here as we are allowed to do whatever we want to do because we are given freewill and it is up to us whether we want to give up or to have stronger faith and to keep on going to attain our dreams.
    3. The lesson in this gospel could be applied when it comes to our sexuality as people should have strong faith in God in order for them to stay pure of heart and chaste

  28. Danielle Valera JG

    The issue this gospel faces is sin, we are so blinded by the fact that we are doing this act. Meaning we are disrespecting God. Many also forget to repent their sins and this continues to damage our relationship with God which we are all trying to avoid. We must know we are all sinners and we are in no way to think we are better than anybody else. Only God has the right because he is Our Lord, Our Saviour. This gospel can be related to our lesson, views of man. We must view each others equally. We are not better than one another because we all sin. We all should respect each other because we are put here to obey and worship God. We may have the freedom to do whatever we may please. However, that means we should use that freedom wisely by making sound choices. This gospel relates to our human sexuality, because the fig can represent our sexuality and many people practice sexual intercourse without being married.
