Monday, March 14, 2016


3rd Sunday of Lent Sunday GospelLK 13:1-9
Some people told Jesus about the Galileans
whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices.
Jesus said to them in reply, 
“Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way 
they were greater sinners than all other Galileans?
By no means!
But I tell you, if you do not repent,
you will all perish as they did!
Or those eighteen people who were killed 
when the tower at Siloam fell on them—
do you think they were more guilty 
than everyone else who lived in Jerusalem?
By no means!
But I tell you, if you do not repent,
you will all perish as they did!”
And he told them this parable: 
“There once was a person who had a fig tree planted in his orchard, 
and when he came in search of fruit on it but found none,
he said to the gardener,
‘For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree 
but have found none.
So cut it down.
Why should it exhaust the soil?’
He said to him in reply,
‘Sir, leave it for this year also, 
and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; 
it may bear fruit in the future.
If not you can cut it down.’”


N.B.  Lack of full name and without section minus 5.
Deadline March 20, SUNDAY 12midnight....late Gospels=ZERO


  1. Joseph Andre Marcus San Juan Ong JH

    This gospel is very inspiring because Jesus told the people good things and helped them be good people to others. Young people in our society always fight, I think that in relation to this gospel these young people need guidance for them to live good lives. I think it is freedom, freedom should be used as a gift from god and we must not take it for granted so that we can live the lives god told us to live. It can address the problems because there are so many problems in the gospel, and I think that sexuality cannot be attained if people do not respect one another.

  2. The challenges that the Gospel faces in society today is that people are always accused for the wrong purposes. Young people like us face challenges that we often cannot avoid and we take it the wrong way. The main key concept found is true freedom. True freedom is not simply doing anything you want, it is doing the right thing in the name of God. The gospel addresses human sexuality because it is showing that we should all respect one another, we should all accept who we are. Human sexuality is a gift and we should learn to cherish it, along with all the gifts given by God

  3. Christina Balagot

    The gospel is about a man wants to cut down a fig tree because it does not bear any fruit, but then the gardener wanted him to give the tree one more year to bear fruit. The gardener would cultivate and fertilize the ground around it.
    I think that in today’s society, we are too impatient and unforgiving. We shut down the people who have made mistakes in the past and put it against them. We should not shame other people for these mistakes, but instead we should help them learn and grow from it.
    I think I can relate this topic with conscience and dignity. Especially ontological dignity, because no matter what a person does, they will still have that dignity in them. I can relate this to the obstacles to human sexuality because people who engage in these acts should always be forgiven because they can still grow and learn to stop committing these acts and use their time to be more productive in the eyes of God. The gospel also sends us the message that even we should allow people to grow as a person, especially ourselves, and do not just turn them down or cut them off without giving them a chance.

  4. Gianina Aventajado cn3 JH

    In today's Gospel it talked about how if you want something to happen, you need to nurture it and take care of whatever it may be. In society now not everyone is willing to work for what they want. For example, if they want something to happen and they find out they need to do lots of work for it to happen, they might not want to pursue it anymore. I feel like it can be related to the topic on Tabula Rasa- because this is affected by the environment you grow up in. Like in anything there are obstacles that are faced, in this situation the obstacle is you being lazgy or not wanting to work for what you want.

  5. Anton Castillo JH

    Today's young generation can be very lost at times. However, even when they get lost God still loves them no matter what. That is what this gospel is telling us. We should be aware that God will never give up on us no matter how many times we stumble or fall. This gospel can be related to conscience for we must make the right decisions so that we will not upset God anymore. He has loved us unconditionally and it is fair or right that we should be able to do what God would want. In addition, this can show that our human sexuality is very vulnerable to because of the sins we commit, and it is through God's love that we can be saved.

  6. Mariella Isabel M.Mojares JH 24


    The gospel tells us about a tree that was about to be cut because it wasn't bearing any fruit although a gardener had hope for the tree and started loving and taking care of it. This is something that our society is lacking, because we live in a time where things are instant and fast that we are impatient and lack understanding. This gospel teaches us to be more patient and understanding because when we are good things will happen and will bear good.

    We can relate this with conscience because our conscience is one of our deciding factors on what to do. When we decide on things we should always keep our faith in mind and know that no matter what the outcome is we should always make the right decision and think no only for ourselves but for others as well.

    We can relate this to human sexuality because when we make decisions with our body and what to do with it we should always keep our morals in mind because it defines us as a person. We should always keep in mind the long term effects of our decisions because we cannot take back what we have done and we have to live with the consequence of our bad decisions.

  7. Obial, Lean M.

    From what I have read, I believe that our generation is going through some tough times, because of this they end up losing hope and start to think negatively. People commit sin every day and sometimes it can't be avoided since there are many temptations around us. We must be patient to wait for the sinners to realize their wrong because eventually they will take the right path. Although God will always be there to forgive us, we take that for granted. We even forget to ask for forgiveness nowadays. We all have morals and we must use them wisely, As Christians, we believe in "Christian Morality", which basically means The Ten Commandments should be part of our decision making. Since this gospel relates to Christian Morality, we must apply our morals wisely in order not to be lead to the obstacles (sinning) or in abusing our human sexuality.



    I personally love the message of this gospel because it talks about how a barren tree can still receive love and give out good benefits. Our society nowadays is lacking the compassion and care that the man showed to the tree, which is quite sad because it shows how easily people give up without a fight. Personally, I would like to share this gospel to the youth so that they have a little more faith in God and in themselves.

    This gospel can be related to the lesson that we learned about nature and nurture recently. We have to grow in healthy environments for us to make sound decisions and for us to be more faithful children of Christ. In regards to human sexuality, we cannot be influenced by bad things even as we grow. We have to be wise and listen to the Lord especially when temptations are shown.

  9. Aaron Joshua F. Palma JH


    The challenges of this gospel is to repent our sins and to be fruitful with our lives. We cannot live our lives knowing that nothing good has come out of it. If we do not do anything good with our life, then like the fig tree we will be cut down.


    In the revalida we learn to speak with sense. When we share our knowledge in the revalida we bear fruit for harvest. We become like a fruitful fig tree which does not get cut down.


    Following our human sexuality we become fruitful. When we become chaste we avoid and repent from sin. When we follow our human sexuality we do good deeds and follow God.


    The parable of the fig tree tells us that God wants us to prove ourselves worthy enough for Him to save us. He wants us to “bear fruit” and do what is good in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. God gave up His Son for us for a reason and that is do let us have another chance of entering eternal life. We forget to make God our first priority nowadays which is not advisable for we must do what we must to as servants of God and country.
    Conscience takes part in this gospel for it is what guides us into choosing the better options. We must use our better judgment to achieve good things for ourselves and for others. We must do what it takes to be fruitful in the eyes of the Lord and others. We must spread the gospel and make it become the true foundation of everyone’s lives.
    This is related to Human Sexulity in a sense that we are like the fig tree and that we have to do good despite our differences. Those who are part of the LGBT group may seem wrong or even evil to some people, but they can prove them wrong by showing that they are bearers of good fruit and that they believe in Jesus.

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  12. Kirsten Ann Velayo Manese JH
    1. The challenges of this gospel to young people is that some do not confess regularly. They commit mortal sins and yet feel as if they pray directly to God, then they will be forgiven.

    2. Key concepts from the revalida that can be applied is when we are given the chance to share our knowledge. We become a fruitful fig tree like in the passage above. We can relate it to true freedom since people may choose to go to confession whenever they want to.

    3. This gospel can address human sexuality by not discriminating other genders. This refers to both homosexuals,heterosexuals or whatever they choose to be. Also, this can be addressed by choosing what we want to do with ourselves specifically our bodies.

  13. Kyle Lotilla JH

    In the parable, despite the fig tree not bearing fruit for 3 years, the gardener still did not cut it down, because he believes it could still bear fruit. This symbolize that the society today should show compassion and patience to the sinners, since sinners are still capable of doing something right and fixing their selves, despite what they done. We should also be humble to them as well, because we too are sinners.

    One way of being compassionate and humble to others is excessing true freedom. People should understand that freedom is not the will to do what ever you want. Since we are relational beings, true freedom is our capacity to do good. Hence, if you ever discriminate against others, then you will be damaging this true freedom.

    With regards to sexuality, we should not discriminate against homosexuals or any other sexuality. They may be going against what God has planned, but they are still able to bear fruit. Also, Discriminating them will not solve anything.

  14. Rafael Luis R. Salvador J-H

    Luke's gospel presents a story of Jesus teaching His people about the equal nature of our being sinners. He is simply saying at the start that regardless of our sin, we are all sinners to begin with already, and therefore it is our call to return to God and seek His forgiveness again. To reassure His people, He tells them of another parable, that of the fig tree. In my understanding, the farmer who wants to cut down the tree represents us, who sometimes find no more hope or faith in people who may have hurt or disappointed us. Sometimes, we cease to give them a second chance to redeem themselves. Thus, I see the farmer who is willing to wait as God, who is always ready to give second chances despite how hard it seems for us to change.

    Relating this to our current society, it is quite common that some completely neglect to forgive others and forget their mistakes, depending on how much they were hurt by them. Thus, the issue present here is the fact that some simply find it hard to forgive. Therefore, in order to fix this problem, one must continue to pray and seek the grace from God to forgive others, because in this way, we remove the burden of guilt and regret off a person and we heal the bonds that were broken.

    In terms of the Revalida, I can relate this topic to Christian Anthropology: Man is Fallen but Redeemed. It is relatable in the sense that the topic speaks of the fact that man was forgiven of his mistakes, no matter how great it was. As we see from the gospel, God does not judge sins based on their severity. Just like what Jesus said, "were they greater sinners than others? By no means", He sees all of us as equally worthy of redemption, so long as we repent; therefore we can relate the lesson to this gospel.

    As a way to overcome the effects of the obstacles to human sexuality, this gospel may simply teach us the true value of giving second chances to others. When we say obstacles to sexuality, these are what neglect the dignity of a person and destroy their rights. Thus, this gospel will remind us that forgiveness is very important and that we must always be ready to give it to others, as a way to affirm your dedication to a good moral life.

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  18. Armando Miguel Reyes JH

    The challenges in this gospel are repenting our sins and bearing fruit. A lot of people often think that not being able to repent is not that much of a big deal, well they are wrong because if you are not able to repent for the sins you have committed in your life, you will surely get the punishment you deserve.And while we are living in this world it is important that as early as now we build a good foundation of what we are so that in the future we would also be able to do good and great things in our lives just like the fig tree.

    In terms of the revalida, I can relate this topic to nature and nurture since as we grow up it is important that we would be able to receive the right teachings and knowledge so that in the future we would be able to live our lives in a much fruitful and better way.

    In terms of how it addresses the obstacles to our human sexuality, it is important that we repent our sins so that we can fix whatever bond we have broken with God in order to live a chaste and fruitful life.

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  20. Antonio Ramos J-H

    There are many things that may come into conflict in our daily lives, things like our relationships with other people, school, family and other things. As a youth pressure from everything challenges us to do well in our lives. We give up to soon, we are impatient we do not give people time to improve and change.
    I think conscience and morality come into mind when thinking of this topic. Mainly because we see different issues today and it is up to our choices and decisions that define how we may deal with these things. Today’s Gospel just proved that we should never stop; we should never give up in the long run of doing great for our own good.

  21. Noelle Amba JH
    "The Good Fruit"
    “Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were greater sinners than all other Galileans? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!” Today in these stressful and demanding times, we tend to act bratty and impatient. This can lead to us not owning up to our mistakes or not allowing ourselves to repent. Repentance is difficult because it is not just “feeling sorry” for a wrong doing, but it is also the first step to change your ways. ‘Sir, leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future. If not you can cut it down.’” This fig tree is an example of us not giving God our time and effort to repent. The lack of repenting will not reap good fruit, yet it will grow harmful acts and habits in us.
    A key concept that I can relate to the revalida is the concept of dignity of a human person. Yes, we do have our ontological dignity that cannot be taken away, however we have other dignity that can be hurt and damaged through not repenting. If we constantly chose to sin, do evil things, refuse to change our ways, our moral and spiritual dignity would be heavily affected. As a result, our personalities and way of thinking will also be negatively affected.
    “For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none. So cut it down.” In response to this, the gardener replied: “Sir, leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future.” I can relate this to abstaining from pre marital sex. The bible states that being patient, nurturing and protecting your sexuality will reap a good harvest when the time comes. Our job in this world is to procreate and fill this land with the children of God, and we must practice our sexuality with respect to this lesson.

  22. Dustin Ampong JH
    1. The gospel shows that everyone no matter who is a sinner and we must all repent. It also says that unless we change our selves, or the things around us we cannot become better or else we will die or never be able to bloom. Like the Fig tree unless the soil is changed it cannot bear fruit and it will be cut down. It is related to society today because people now adays judge everyone but we are all sinners and who are we to judge. And that we must all change in ourselves and the things around us so taht we can become better
    2. A key concept i can related here is Diginity of The human being because we have 2 ontological and moral, We can lose moral through sin in which we are all sinners but AS long as we are humans we can still redeem ourselves and change for better. For otological dingity is with us until we die no matter waht, all we have to be is human
    3. It can address the obstacles because again we are all sinners and thus equal and must treat each other eqaully. And again we must change the things around us to become better.

  23. Ethan Mora JH

    I think that from what I have read in this gospel, we should not be quick to assume in what others can be or cannot. We cannot decide on them without seeing what they are capable of and what they can do. I think this can be related to the revalida topic which is the nurture argument of John Locke. We need guidance and help in order to achieve our true potential to help others and serve the community. This gospel addresses human sexuality because it shows that we need to respect each other in order for us to get along.


  24. Nami Juliana L. Capati - Junior H

    In the gospel we learn how God is not a punishing God. The fig tree is a symbolism of his children. He wouldn’t lose hope, just like the gardener, he would nurture and be patient with the fig tree. Now what i think this represents is that God will love us endlessly. He shows us his love by “cultivating” our surroundings..How? Well he showers us with little blessings everyday to show that he cares. The day we bear the fruit of love, is the day we grow into becoming a stronger and wiser child of the lord.

    The revalida topic i can relate this to is conscience. Like the God we need to be patient even when one commits an error we must be sensible and be clear on our judgement. With our conscience we learn to be kind to one another and to also forgive one another even if that person is at fault.

  25. Ira Lapuz JH

    It is the nature of man to sin, but we must always repent for our wrongdoings. We were called on Earth to bare fruit and to do good, and if we don't do such good things, we are to perish with all the other sinners who do not repent. The tree represents us while the fruit represents the good we have done, so if we don't repent, we are to be cut down like the fig tree. But Jesus is there to save us from our sins. If we learn from our mistakes and our sinful nature, we will be able to bare fruit once again because Jesus has forgiven our sins. A revalida topic that i can apply in this gospel is the concept that man is fallen but redeemed. It is a fact that every man has an original sin, but Jesus went down on Earth to die on the cross for us because he loves us. This gospel addresses the obstacles to human sexuality by going against the law of God through homosexuality. If we don't repent our sins on having the wrong sexual orientation, Jesus will give us the right understanding for Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light.

  26. Joseph Raphael L. Perez JH

    We are not perfect. We all have our differences, and that’s what makes us human. We learn from our mistakes to grow and to flourish. Jesus is teaching us, in this gospel, that all it takes is patience and faith in the Lord because he has plans for us; all we have to do is wait and pray. It is never a good idea to give up because you never know how close you are to your goal yet you suddenly say, “I’m done.” God needs us to trust him for our lives because he loves us so much that he needs us to grow in pain and grace for everyone to flourish in the end.

  27. Allysa Therese L. Manalo JH
    This gospel has shown us that we are here on earth to spread goodness to everyone we meet. However, we are not perfect. We will make mistakes along the way but that’s okay. The important thing is that we ask for forgiveness every time we sin. This gospel has also shown us that to accomplish true freedom we should love God and others. We could do this by not judging the people around us because of their sins. This so because we are just like them, sinners. We have no right to judge them because we are also imperfect. Even though our sin might seem less awful compared to someone else’s sin, it is still a sin which gave pain to our God. We can address this to human sexuality because it is a gift that is given to us that we use to relate to others.

  28. Leandro Miguel F. Ofiladay JH

    1.) We must always look at the brighter future. In order to be happy, we must live truthfully without sin. That way, we will be welcomed by God with open arms in heaven.

    2.) in revalida, our knowledge is cultivated by hours of studying. We must cultivate our minds if we want it to bear fruit. Like the gospel, we must be patient and truly nurture our minds so that they may truly help us

    3.) We learn to stay clear of temptations in order to stay pure. Like the story, the owner thought it was a waste to keep a tree that bears no fruit. But in order for something to bear fruit, it must be paired with hard work. In order to stay pure it takes a lot of work.

  29. Jeremy Nazareth JH

    The challenges this gospel talks about to society is the idea that society needs to repent in order for them to be forgiven. The gospel tells us that no matter how lost society gets, it can still be forgiven. From the revalida, conscience may can be related to this in a sense that we should have the right enough conscience to ask for forgiveness and to lessen our bad acts. This gospel addresses the obstacles on human sexuality in a way that these obstacles, no matter how grave, is still a sin. No mstter how grave this sin is, if we repent and vow not to do it again, then we can be forgiven

  30. Frances Roxas JH

    1. That every human being especially the young people are given time to repent, think about and analyze their roles or essence in this world. If one cannot decide what he/she can do to improve oneself and eventually to the society, we are nothing yet God patiently awaits. He gently holds us so that we could be pleasing in His Kingdom. Young people are aggravated with modernizations, instead of living harmonious to others, some become danger to oneself and with others. Young people are vain with overexposure with social media instead of hard earned money, they indulged with ‘quick money’, that is illegal and immoral.

    2. Sometimes, it is very hard to move on because we are either hurt or cannot forgive others/ as well as ourselves. In this matter, we are choked because life becomes too narrow, that one cannot breathe so we become sad, violent or depressed. I think if we would like to have true and real freedom, we should forgive oneself and others eventually and in due time God heals the wound. God didn’t want to see His children devastated, that even on earth, our lives are in a continuous cleansing until we are ready to face the Father.

    3. Whatever one chooses with their sexuality, God will never abandon neither will outcast you. This is even the time Jesus carries you upon His shoulder, determine to wait until “acceptance” on the part of those astrays, then you shall bloom better than others. With Jesus, there is forever!
